Thursday, July 02, 2015


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There is new expression of order that God is ushering in the earth.
Isaiah 43:19 proclaims, ‘’behold I will do NEW THING, Now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert…’’ God is doing a NEW THING. New means ‘’different from one of the same which existed before; something advanced into a better quality.’’ 

The old garments of religiosity and the traditions of man will not work in this new season! We must forget, throw out and erase from our memories the old way of doing things! Religiosity and tradition mixed with faith results in decay. That’s why the word of God says in Mark 7:13 ‘’thus you nullify the word of God by your tradition that you have handed down. And you do many things like that,’’. 

Now Jesus was addressing the Pharisees here. But we believers should know that with time pharisaical tendencies do tend to creep in! We can all have a tendency to be like a Pharisee, judging other people against a standard we ourselves can’t even follow. We can all have a tendency to be like a Pharisee, honoring God with our mouths when our hearts are far from Him we must recognize where these things have crept in and throw them out! We must make our faith fresh again… throw out the old and make all things new!

Jesus said in Matthew 9:16, ‘’you cannot put new wine in old wineskin…’’ He could not pour out new covenant gifts into Old covenant believers (Jews) that had not yet received Him. He was saying that the ‘’old wineskins’’ (old Covenant believers) could not receive the new wine (the Holy Spirit) until they themselves become NEW CREATIONS by receiving Him as the Messiah!  

 This verse is a New Testament / Old Testament concept, but the principle of god stands strong – there MUST be better quality ‘’skin’’ developed in God’s people in order to receive what is going to be poured out! Poverty, barrenness and tradition will bust when the Holy Spirit hits it! We must throw out the old, make room for him in our lives and allow him to continue to make us a new creation! We must be ready for something new today.


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