Tuesday, July 07, 2015

Choose to Live!

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JOHN 5:6
  Jesus saw him lying there, and he knew that the man had been sick for such a long time; so he asked him, “Do you want to get well?”  

He can’t walk, the pool isn’t easily accessible, and there are no motorized lifts. Then Jesus comes along and asks this man who’d been incapacitated for 38years, ‘Do you want to be made well?’ What a question! Now, Jesus didn’t ask it because He didn’t know the answer; He did it to correct the man’s (and our) thinking along the right lines. He could just as easily asked:
 be free indeed

            ‘Are you ready to assume responsibility for your life? Do you really want that promotion, or is it easier to just gripe about money? Are you ready for marriage, for somebody who’ll share your life and make you reconsider your self-centered ways?’ Answers to our prayers come with a price. For example, the family of an addict sometimes spend years praying for change, then when it happens they experience their own crises. Because their lives have centered around drama and dysfunction, they’ve never learned how to live any other way. At that point they have a choice to make: to keep blaming their problems on somebody else, or to accept that they have their own issues to work on. ‘Do you want to be made well?’ learn the lesson

            Like it or not, asking God for solutions often means new challenges. A child might solve his need for pocket money by delivering newspapers, but when he grows up, hopefully he’ll be solving bigger ones, like how to provide for his family. But the good news is, solving bigger problems bring bigger rewards. So ask God to stretch you today by helping you ‘take up your bed and walk’ (John 5:8), burn your bridges of dependency and ‘learned helplessness,’ and move on to greater things. In other words, ‘choose to live!’put off your pride

More Reading:  Nehemiah 1-4, John 19:30-42

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