People stay away from church for many reasons. Sometimes they feel bad because their faith isn’t working as well as they think it should. Or they’re still struggling with certain problems. Or they’re depressed because it looks like everyone else is doing well except them.
Don’t let discouragement keep you away from your spiritual family. You need their love and support. You need to hear them say, ‘We made it, and by God’s grace you can too.’ The Bible says, ‘Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some.’ (Hebrews 10:25) The word ‘forsaking’ is taken from three Greek words which could be translated ‘out’, ‘down’, and ‘behind’. It pretty much describes someone who feels left out, spiritually and emotionally down, and far behind everyone else. Keep Your Eyes On Jesus
The moment you feel that way the enemy whispers, ‘Just stay home from church today; you don’t need to go there with all those good people.’ If the enemy can separate you from other believers at the very time you need them most, he can rob you of what God has in store for you. Sure, you can stay at home, read your Bible and turn on Christian radio and television. A PORTRAIT OF PAIN
But surrounded by your spiritual family you’ll get answers, experience joy and receive encouragement you can’t find anywhere else. Church is the last place the devil wants you to go when you’re feeling low. He knows if you go, you’ll be touched by the presence of the Lord and be able to crawl out of the hole you’re in. So, go to church!
More Reading: Genesis 50, Haggai 1-2, John 17:1-12
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