After you’ve prayed, planned and prepared, there comes a point where you’re got to Take the plunge. Is it scary? Absolutely! There are two kinds of people: those who leap Before they look; they are driven by impulse.
Then there are those who look, and look, and Look but never leap; they are controlled by fear. Which are you? To get to the Promised Land, Israel had to cross the river Jordan at flood tide. It must have made the strongest Heart skip beat. God had promised that when the feet of the priests carrying the ark Stepped into the water it would roll back. WHY DO IT?
Can you imagine their thoughts? ‘Couldn’t we wait till the tide goes down? Why do I have to go first? What if the water don’t roll back And I drown?’ the step between prudence and paranoia is short and steep. Prudence Wear a seat belt; paranoia avoids cars altogether. Prudence washes with soap; paranoia Avoids human contact altogether. Prudence saves for old age; paranoia clings to every Penny. Prudence prepares and plans; paranoia panics.
Prudence calculates the risk and Takes the plunge; paranoia never enters the water. To reach your God-ordained destiny you must stop holding back, obey God and step into the water. The moment you do, doors will begin to open and resources will be released, were there now seems to be only Shortage.
God will provide the means, the method, and the manpower. So stand on his Promise:’ Since you were precious in My sight, You have been honored, And I have loved you; Therefore I will give men for you, And people for your life. Fear not, for I am with you; I will bring your descendants from the east, and gather you from the west (Isaiah 43:4-5). Power of forgiveness
Picture this: A father and his two small children are playing. He’s in the swimming pool, And he invites them to run and jump into his arms. One does, the other doesn’t. The one Who doesn’t, watches gleefully, applauds, and jump up and down.
But when her dad invites her to do the same she shakes her head and back away. Is that you? Living on the Edge of the plunge, happy to experience life vicariously through others? Preferring to take no risk? For fear of the worst, you never the best. You say, ‘but I’m not sure what I am jumping into!’ Read this: underneath are the everlasting arms.
‘Foolishness is closing your eyes and jumping before you know there’s even water in the pool, or that your father has said, ‘come, I’ll catch you.’ Faith is knowing that the only way to conquer your fear of the water is to take the leap, because The one who is calling you has been there for you for the moment you became his child. Persevere
Nothing is more important to him than your safety, the development of your faith, and Your total success in life. God told Joshua,’…arise, go over this Jordan…to the land which I Am giving [you]…Only be strong and very courageous, that you may observe to do According to all the law which mosses my servant commanded you; do not turn from it to The right hand or to the left, that you may prosper wherever you go’ (Joshua 1:2, 7). Note the words, ‘arise, and go be strong. ‘In other words: take the plunge!
More Reading: 1 John1:1-3:10, Luke 10:38-42.
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