Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Faith Is

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  Hebrews 11:1 "To have faith is to be sure of the things we hope for, to be certain of the the things we cannot see".
Notice two important things about faith:
1)  Faith is a substance. In the U.S., people trade in dollars; in Europe they trade in euros. But in God’s kingdom, faith is ‘the coin of the realm!’ It’s what’s required to do business with God (Hebrews 11:6). It grows only by feeding on His word (Romans 10:17).

2) Faith must be connected to hope. If you’re not hoping for anything, you don’t need faith. But your hope must be based on what God’s word says. When God promised to make Abraham the father of many nations, Abraham spent the next twenty years looking for a son, even though the situation seemed impossible. How did he do it?
a) ‘He believed; God, who….calls those which do not exist as though they did’ (Romans 4:17). God sees it, then He reveals it to you. And His willingness to bless you with it, rests on your willingness to believe Him for it.

b) ‘Who contrary to hope…believed…according to what was spoken’ (Romans 4:18). What has God said? That’s what your hope should be built on. c) ‘He did not consider his own body, already dead (since he was about a hundred years old)’ (Romans 4:19).
You say, ‘But considering the circumstances…!’ No, believe God; He’s bigger than the circumstances!
the only password is prayer

d) ‘He did not waver through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God, and being full convinced that what He has promised He was also able to perform’ (Romans 4:20-21). So, strengthen your faith through the Scriptures. Keep giving glory to God for what He’s promised you. Be resolute. Such faith honors God, and God honors such faith! the only password is prayer

Before Israel went into battle, the prophets would ask God if He had given them the city. That’s because God honors faith when it’s connected to what He’s promised. What you should fight for is what God has promised. Don’t say God failed you, if He didn’t promise it to you in the first place and don’t get angry, because misguided desire made you reach for what He gave to somebody else.

The old timers used to sing, ‘Every promise in the book is mine, Every chapter every verse every line.’ That’s so, in the sense that God loves us all equally, but there are certain promises He wants to fulfil in your life, because your calling is different from that of others, and you must seek Him for clarity and guidance. the only passworl is prayer
‘He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches’ (Revelation 2:29). Don’t just listen to the preacher, try to hear what God is saying to you through the preacher. You can hear something entirely different from the next guy, because God is ‘personalizing’ it to you.
The Bible is called the ‘Living Word,’ because certain scriptures suddenly come to life and take root within you. You can hear what nobody else hears, or even miss several of the pastor’s points, and go home with the answer you need. When you say, ‘I get it. It’s mine,’ the faith that comes by hearing is doing its special work within you.

More Reading: John16:1-11, Joshua 1-4

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