Wednesday, February 12, 2014


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Isaiah 43:18-19
The greatest demands on us daily are decisions. What you decide today will become the reality of your tomorrow. God has initiated change. We must let go of the old, press in and reach forward to the new thing about to be released! Right now we are pressing in and preparing for the outpouring of His presence and the new things about to be released in the body of Christ.


But first, transition.... Transitional times are created in your life because there is a removing of situations or people that at one time served God's purpose in your life, but have completed their assignment.
Congratulations! They're done and you're done, and your are ready for what's next. But for a moment, you must now undergo what feels like a strange vacuum and chaos in order to be restructured and enlarged. God is adding new things and new people who will share the dream of the future. And this is the transition you find yourself in...the strange place between two "somewhere."

The dream of the future is always larger than the accomplishments of the past. You have no template for what you're going into. It's all new! The former things cannot serve as a template because God does not what you to rely on what is familiar. You must dig in to the pure Word of God to get your instructions! Shake out the old garments of religiosity and the traditions of men...throw them out altogether! Religiosity and the tradition of men will defile your faith (James 1:27) and anchor you to the ground . God will meet you in His Word!

You will come through transition and be shifted into the new. "shift" means a "change of place, position or direction; an exchange or replacement of one thing for another." shaking occurs during a shift. What can be shaken, will be shaken! (Hebrew 12:26-27) But we cannot reach forth unto our destiny until we forget our past. We must reach forth and embrace the new thing God has for us.

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